Do your client management systems feel like a drawer of tangled cables?

That pesky plugs and cables drawer!

You fully intend to tidy it and make your life easier, but instead you carry on making do. And you end up tugging at a tangled mess each time until just the right annoying, handy piece of tech comes free.

A headshot of Jo Shock, looking at the camera. She's smiling and is wearing a gold necklace made of triangles. The background is outdoors but blurred green.

You have the same good intentions for how to run your business.

But your client management processes have evolved over time, leaving you putting up with less-than-ideal methods and tech.

You keep your business running, you keep delivering for your clients, but you never find the time or head space to create your friction-free systems.

And you definitely don’t have time to figure out if that latest snazzy system is going to solve all your problems!

Hi, I’m Jo Shock! I’m here to help you simplify your 1 to 1 client management journey.

From onboarding, right through to delivery and after care…

I’ve got you covered!

Hands typing on a laptop, which sits on a desk at a window. There are notepads and a mug on the desk.

After cobbling together your processes in the past, you’re ready to:

  • stop feeling overwhelmed by all the moving parts in your 1 to 1 client management
  • understand what to automate and what to outsource
  • know which are the right tech and systems for YOU
  • have a clear, complete client management process
  • save time and energy for yourself and your clients.

By combining clear processes with the right tech and outsourcing options for you, you’ll go from cobbled-together and struggling to handle enquiries…

to feeling calm and efficient with plenty of headspace!

“Jo found a new booking system for me that literally cut my admin time in half. It’s so simple to use, it’s really intuitive and it fits our needs perfectly.”

Sophie Caws

Brighton and Hove Therapies

Jo Shock smiling, wearing a teal-coloured top, with foliage in the background

I love streamlining systems and making businesses easier to run.

I can support you to create efficient, smooth running client management processes that will:

save you time

give you peace of mind that you’re delivering a great service to your 1 to 1 clients

and give you more capacity to serve your clients without losing your mind.

Whether onboarding new clients takes you forever, delivering for clients gets done but feels messy and overwhelming, or you never get round to following up with past clients, I will gently untangle the pain points in your client management and find the right solutions for you.

Ways to work with me

I have options available to fit your current time, budget and available headspace.

From DIY resources that will help you assess, create or fine tune your processes, all the way through to 1 to 1 services where you get my eyes and experience on untangling your unique client management struggles.

Whether you want to improve your onboarding, delivery or after care, let’s find a solution that gets your client management running smoothly.

“I felt I was starting from scratch and had to do SO much. Jo’s workshop was clear, calm and reassured me for what I’m already doing, as well as sparking ideas for what I can (and will) do to build on that. Not just good news for me but FAB news for my clients.”

Sarah Goddard

Public Fundraising Consultant

“I booked Jo’s ‘Level Up Your Client Management’ package to help me streamline my client and VA onboarding, and by following her recommendations I’m not only saving time but I’m creating a more streamlined journey for my clients and my team.”

Emma Read

Emma Read VA & Associates

As featured in Freelancer Magazine

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